Thursday, June 19, 2014


Forgot the monorail!  Walt Disney was right about what is to come.  Not sure he thought 175 years into the future, Nomads will be taking out key targets from a nearby balcony though.


  1. Nice! Do you worry at all about bumping over the monorail though? That's the thing that makes me hesitate a lot about that kind of terrain.

  2. I am working towards my first real game of Infinity so I cannot answer for sure. I know I am doing it backwards by making all of the terrain first and then starting to play.

    I thought about basing the monorail track on something wider to help with this though. Trial and error will lead the way on that experiment.

  3. Hey IndyGamer. I have some suggestions for you. I assume the table size is 4'x4' not just to the wall?

    You're probably going to want to split the MAS building up a little bit and get the table a bit more dense and keep three story buildings out of the deployment zones for now. Shorten the wall sections because if you're deploying on the one side of the wall, you'll get chewed up by the ARO mechanic since there are basically only two points for advance.

    Get a hold of madpat from the Infinity forums. I know they have a group there in Indy who can get you a game.

    1. Thanks Aaron. Yes, the board is 4x4. I just threw the terrain I was making on the table to get a pic of it all. After spending two days punching and assembling mdf, I just wanted to get an idea of what it all looked like. I still have a few more buildings to put together this weekend. No thought was given on making it look battle ready.

  4. Cool then! Looks like you'll have plenty of terrain when you're ready for realz.
